DollarJPT is an automated hyip investment script for web platform. It’s a script for investment that can be used for various purposes. HyipPro comes with the features like deposits, withdraw, investment plans, bonus, referral commission, so on and so on. It is SEO friendly, modern architectural and secure web application. It has very eye catchy dynamic theme for frontend, user panel and admin panel. If you are looking for hyip investment script which will gear-up your business into the next level, then HyipPro will be the right choice for you. You can enjoy a lot of features along with 32 payment gateways and real-time in app notifications. We can say that this is the script which you are looking to start your hyip investment business.

Admin Panel:

1. User Management: Admin should have the ability to manage users such as creating, deactivating, or modifying user accounts.
2. Plans Management: Admin should be able to create, update, and delete different investment plans. Each plan should have details like duration, returns, and other specifics.
3. Payment Gateways Integration: Admin should be able to integrate multiple payment gateways such as credit/debit cards, bank transfers, or digital wallets.
4. Insights and Analytics: Admin should have access to real-time insights and analytics such as total investments, earnings, user activity, and performance reports.
5. Deposits and Withdrawals: Admin should be able to monitor user deposits and withdrawals and process them.
6. Security: High-level security measures should be implemented to ensure user data and transactions remain secure.

User Dashboard:

1. Current Plan Details: Users should easily access details of their current investment plan such as invested amount, returns, and maturity date.
2. Earnings Overview: Users should be able to view a summary of their earnings, including profits earned and pending returns.
3. Withdrawal Requests: Users should have the option to submit withdrawal requests to access their earnings.
4. Plan Upgrades: Users should have the option to upgrade their investment plans based on their financial goals and risk tolerance.
5. Investment Plans Catalog: Users should be able to browse through an available catalog of investment plans, including details like returns, duration, and minimum investment amount.

Here's the installation process:

1. Server Requirements:
   - Ensure that your server meets the PHP version requirement of 8.1 or above.

2. Upload Files:
   - Access your server's public_html folder.
   - Upload the zip file containing the website files into this folder.

3. Extract Files:
   - After uploading, extract all the files from the zip archive.

4. Database Setup:
   - Create a new database on your server using any preferred name.
   - Create a user for this database with appropriate permissions.

5. Import Database:
   - Access phpMyAdmin and log in to your database.
   - Click on the "Import" tab.
   - Select the "dollar_jpt.sql" file from the extracted folder.
   - Click on the "Import" button to import the SQL file into your database.

6. Configuration:
   - Navigate to the "core" folder and find the ".env" file.
   - Open the ".env" file and update the following configurations with your database details:
     - `APP_URL`: Your main website URL (e.g., https://yourdomain.com).
     - `DB_DATABASE`: Name of the database you created.
     - `DB_USERNAME`: Username for the database.
     - `DB_PASSWORD`: Password for the database.
     - `DB_HOST`: Host or server where the database is located.
   - Save the changes to the ".env" file.

7. Run the Website:
   - Once the configurations are saved, navigate to your domain (e.g., yourdomain.com) in a web browser.

For Help:
  • If you need any assistance during the installation process or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.
  • You can contact us via WhatsApp at +923260775146 or email us at blankskydevelopers@gmail.com.

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